Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Feb News

·        Feb. 11 Pep Assembly HS
·        Feb. 13-School Improvement Day
·        Feb. 13- Class Competition Spirit Day
·        Feb. 20 –No School
·        Feb. 27-No School
·        Feb. 24 YRBS Survey

Enrollment   HS: 
 9th:  34       10th:31      11th:27     12th:30     Total: 122
News from the High School Principal Desk:
This is traditionally our week for the most discipline referrals.  We had a successful pep assembly this week and another class competition coming up Friday.  Thank you to the MBI group for raising school spirit and pride in our system.   MBI “Gold” is a reality that we will strive for and would look great for our school and more than likely give us the “hedgehog” we have been searching for.  Positive behavioral supports are evident throughout our system.  The data from the first semester looks good and I feel the year is going well. 

2nd Quarter Data:
*50% of our Students were on Honor Roll, High or 4.0
*By the end of the 2nd Quarter the HS has had only 32 Referrals all year
*By the end of the 2nd Quarter 91% of our students have not had a single referral

Semester Test Results First Semester:

Average GPA
9th Grade-  2.9
10th Grade-2.7
11th Grade-2.8
12th Grade-2.3

2nd Quarter Attendance Rate:
9th Grade-  95%
10th Grade-95%
11th Grade-96%
12th Grade-95%

2nd Quarter Positive Post Cards Sent: 154
2nd Quarter Bulldog Tickets: 206
Teacher Walk-Through Data
Frame the Lesson: 88%
Work in the Power Zone: 85%

Student Grades 1st Semester:

Love and Logic

Helping unmotivated kids is one of the most complex challenges we face as educators and parents. Therefore, giving a quick and easy solution in less than 300 words would be impossible…and downright irresponsible.
In approximately 99% of cases, the child's lack of motivation results from far more than simple laziness or a conscious desire to act out. The roots of apathy go far deeper, into feelings of frustration, anger, hopelessness, lack of control, or loss. The majority of these feelings lay at the subconscious level, where they wreak havoc on a child's ability to engage in higher-level thinking tasks, such as sustained attention to detail, problem-solving, memory, perseverance, and self-control.
This is why punishing children for getting bad grades usually backfires. Since they are already feeling bad about life, how is making them feel worse about it going to get them motivated to succeed?
In my award winning book, From Bad Grades to a Great Life, I teach a variety of alternative strategies for getting at the roots of apathy…rather than making it worse with anger, lectures, threats and punishments. At the core of what we teach is the importance of loving kids for who they are…rather than who we want them to be. Yes! The healing process begins when we end the power struggle by saying, "We will love you no matter how well or poorly you do in school. Your grades are your grades…not ours. That's why we are no longer going to fight with you about them. Just let us know how we can help."
Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.
Dr. Charles Fay

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jan. News

  • Jan 9: Early Release: SIP
  • Jan 14: IEC Meeting 5:30 PM
  • Jan 19: NO SCHOOL - MLK Day
  • Jan 20: Board Meeting
  • Jan. 20-22: Semester Tests
  • Jan 23: End of Semester
  • Jan 29: HS Top Dawg 9:00 AM
  • Jan 29: National Guard Obstacle Course
  • Jan 30: NO SCHOOL
Enrollment   HS: 
 9th:  35       10th:31      11th:28     12th:30     Total: 124
News from the High School Principal Desk:
We are conducting many parent meetings this month with At-Risk students and parents.  We have many second quarter goals that we need to finish before January 23. I will be giving teachers the opportunity to evaluate me this month.  I think it is important to get their perspective on how well I am doing on our school goals and leadership.  This will help me frame my efforts for the second half of the year.  Advance Biology has started fund raising for the trip to Utah.  The teachers and students are hard at work preparing for the second half of the school year.  I want to formally thank the teacher and student MBI group for their efforts to bridge communication with our downtown businesses and presenting the “Did You Know” posters.  This is not only great work for our school, but it is also great timing for public relations and the legislative session. 
We have completed our Business Pathway for the state requirement with much help from Dennis Labonty, Jo Phillips, Shannon Redmond and SKC:

Our approved Pathway was sent to the MUS web page manager.  It has not been posted yet, but it will appear on this website:  I will watch for it and let you know when it is listed.
Congratulations Mrs. Keast for receiving the KECI Gold Star Award.  Teachers receive this award based on nominations from students, parents and community. The news crew will be here this week to interview students and others for the distinguished honor.  Congrats Mrs. Keast, well deserved!!!!!