Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Important Dates


Sept. 27: RTI Meeting 10:15

October 1: Picture Day

October 1: Count Day

October 1: Dr. Corso Training and Demonstration “I Know My Class Survey” –Steve York was very impressed with our school-wide initiatives. 1:30 pm -Teachers that can make it from 1:30-3:20

October 1: Staff Meeting 3:30-4:00 “I Know My Class”

October 2: Tom’s Shoes Day

October 3: Region 1 MASSP Meeting

Ocotber 8-12: HOMECOMING

October 15: PLAN Test

October 16: EXPLORE Test

October 17: PSAT Test

October 22: Red Ribbon Week

October 24: Red Ribbon Assembly 10am

October 25-26: Gear Up Evaluation
October 29: MBI Missoula   

Homecoming 2012


Businesses will have a window contest this week.  Mr. Ferris will get this organized with potential cheerleaders.


When:    Oct. 8-12

Why:      To honor alumni of St. Ignatius and celebrate our school pride and colors.

Where:   Event times and places will be listed below.

Homecoming Candidates    Queen:  Sara Nerby, Stephanie Lewandowski, Emily McCrea, Emyli Gillingham

                                                King:  Nikko Alexander, Dylan Evans, Nicholas Johnson, Barret Sargent


Alumni speakers would be a special touch to your class periods this week.  If you know of alumni that would be willing to come in please notify the office so that we can make use of their time.


Cheerleaders: Decorate FB Field, Classes Do Posters for Vball game


Homecoming FB Game – Oct. 12 – 7 PM         FB Field                              DOGS vs. DeerLodge

                Introduce Class Winners                    Halftime of Game             Football Field

                Crowning of Royalty                            Halftime of Game             Football Field


Homecoming VB Game – Oct. 9 - 4:15 PM      HS Gym                              Dogs vs. Arlee

                 Introduce Royalty Before Varsity Game – around 6:30 PM 


There will be a PEP bus going to the Volleyball game at Loyola on Thursday, Oct. 11.  Leave time is 5:30.  SIGN UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – LIMITED SEAT AVAILABLE!



Event                                                      Time                        Place

Assembly to kick off homecoming and   8:30-8:45                          Gym

Discuss expectations-Monday Oct. 3


Locker Decorating                                    All Week                                  Lockers-Judged After Lunch Thurs.


Classes build floats for parade           8:45-10:45-Floats/Skit Friday               

                                                                                                                                                                                          Designated Area on Campus

 (Mon-Thurs Students can work independently getting trailer and props built on their own)


Food Drive                              All week (food counted       
½ hour out of P1-4 class Mon.- Thur.
Tues.- 9:20-9:45
Thur.- 11:10-11:40
Please have collection boxes in

                                                    by item on Friday (AM)         Classrooms: 9th gr.-Fisher, 10th gr.-Phillips,

                                                                                                            11th gr.-Marchant, 12th gr.-Cronk

                                *MS has boxes in the community-HS should have boxes in classrooms only.


Class Spirit Competition                        Mon.: Car Push                     8:45-9:15

                                                                        Tues.: Dodge Ball                 9:20-9:45

                                                                        Weds:  Minute to Win It    10:15-10:45

                                                                        Thurs: Lovers Leap              11:10-11:40


Homecoming Dance                       Friday - After Game                    Elementary Gym-Sponsor FCCLA

                                                                Oct. 12 - 9:00-12:00???????    


Continued on back




Friday Schedule and Events:   8:30-8:45-Class Meeting
                                                            8:45-11:00 Skit and Float Prep
                                                            11:00-11:30 Skits 11:30-12:00 King and Queen- Formal Dress
                                                            12:00-12:15-Senior Athlete Honoring –Intro our fall seniors
                                                            12:15-12:55  Lunch
                                                            1:00-1:20 –Elem/MS/HS PEP ASSEMBLY
            1:20-Line Up for Parade
            1:30- Parade
            2:10-Treats from Boosters
                                                            2:15- Excused From School

HS Dress Up Days
Mon: Circus/ Crazy Day
Tues: Super Hero Day
Wed: Opposite Sex Appreciation Day
Thurs: Fake an Injury Day
Fri:  Blue and White Day
Please remember to call Brenda SECOND period
 with dress up day totals
































1:20-Line up for Parade: Color Guard, Cop, MS, Teams, Candidates, Floats in order, Grades K-5, Head Start, End with administration.