Monday, September 15, 2014

Homecoming Week and Schedule

 Homecoming 2014: 

Businesses will have a window contest this week.  Mr. Ferris will get this organized.

When:    Sept. 15-20
Why:      To honor alumni of St. Ignatius and celebrate our school pride and colors.
Where:  Event times and places will be listed below.
Homecoming Candidates Queen:  Auxie Cates, Emilie Charlo, Courtney Heath, Lindsay Johnson
                                             King: Nyqolas Gillingham, Raymond Matt, Jamie Mullins, Will Powell

Alumni speakers would be a special touch to your class periods this week.  If you know of alumni that would be willing to come in please notify the office so that we can make use of their time.

MBI or SSC Groups Decorate FB Field, Class Competition for Posters for Vball game

Homecoming FB Game – Sept. 20 – 7 PM   FB Field                            DOGS vs. Glacier Wolfpack (Saturday) 
               Introduce Class Winners                  Halftime of Game           Football Field
               Crowning of Royalty                         Halftime of Game           Football Field

Homecoming VB Game – Sept. 18 - 4:15 PM                                       HS Gym     Dogs vs. Deerlodge
                Introduce Royalty Before Varsity Game – around 6:00 PM 
                                               Sept. 20 – 2:30 PM HS Gym                            Dogs vs.  Arlee

Event                                                      Time                        Place

Assembly to kick off homecoming   Following District Assembly   Gym

Locker Decorating                                  All Week                                 Lockers-Judged After Lunch  

Classes build floats for parade           8:30-11:00                             -Floats/Skit Friday  
                                                                                                                                                           Designated Area on Campus
 (Mon-Thurs Students can work independently getting trailer and props built on their own)

Food Drive                             All week (food counted         
½ hour out of P1-4 class Mon.- Thur.
Tues.- 9:20-9:45
Thur.- 11:10-11:40
Please have collection boxes in
                                                 by item on Friday (AM)            Classrooms: 9th gr.-Marchant, 10th gr.-
                                                                                                   Bosley, 11th gr.-Fisher, 12th gr.-Phillips
                              *MS has boxes in the community-HS should have boxes in classrooms only.

Class Spirit Competition                        Mon.: Kick Off Assembly     8:30-9:00
                                                                    Tues.: Truck Push                 9:20-9:50               
                                                                    Weds: Dodge Ball                 10:15-10:45
                                                                    Thurs: Tug of War                11:15-11:45


(Continued on back)

Friday Schedule and Events:      8:15-8:30-      Roll/Lunch Count
                                                        8:30-11:00-    Class Meeting Skit and Float Prep
                                                        11:00-11:30-  Skits
                                                      11:30-12:00-  King and Queen- Formal Dress
                                                        12:00-12:35-  Lunch
                                                        12:35-1:15 –  Elem/MS/HS PEP ASSEMBLY /Senior Honoring
           1:15-                Line Up for Parade
           1:30-                Parade
                                                        2:15-                Excused From School
HS Dress Up Days
Mon: Animal Day
Tues: Toga Tuesday
Wed: Character Day
Thurs: Pre-historic Day
Fri:  Blue and White Day

Please remember to call Brenda SECOND period
 with dress up day totals


1:15-Line up for Parade: Color Guard, Cop, MS, Teams, Candidates, Floats in order, Grades K-5, Head Start, End with administration.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Common Core in Montana

What a great start to the year!!

I attached a link that I believe would be beneficial for teachers, parents and community to view on the Common Core in Montana.  There is a lot of uninformed information floating around and I hope this helps those of you that want to become more informed about the common core.

We have had an absolute great start to our year in the high school!!!