Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Love and Logic for Parents and Educators

How do wise parents and educators respond when their kids try to argue and manipulate? The most effective repeat an empathetic one-liner, such as “I love you too much to argue” or “I know” or “What did I say?” They also resist the urge to think too deeply about what the child is saying.

Do we do this when kids are hurting? Do we employ this strategy when they’re respectfully expressing their opinions? No! We listen.

When I ask people to describe the parents and teachers they respected the most as kids, they almost always mention something like, “They were always there to listen.”

             Listening means love. It means that we sincerely care
                         about another's opinions and emotions.

Here’s the problem: Many of us have a hard time listening when someone around us is emotional or is disagreeing with us. That’s why it’s helpful to have a few little sincere statements or questions in our back pockets:

  • Tell me more.
  • Help me understand.
  • What would you like to see here?
  • How long have you felt this way?
The next time one of your kids expresses their opinion…or their hurt…be sure to lend a sincere and empathetic ear, showing loving interest by using the points above. Remember: The more you listen to them, the more likely they’ll listen to you. If the tone turns disrespectful or manipulative, you can always switch gears and repeat, “I love you too much to argue” or “I’ll listen when your voice sounds calm like mine.”
For more tips on communicating and empathizing with your children, get your hands on Avoiding Power Struggles with Kids. Purchase now at a 25% discount.
Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.

Dr. Charles Fay

December News

December News:
Dec. 12: Early Out School Improvement Day
Dec. 15: Elementary Holiday Concert
Dec. 16: HS/MS Holiday Concert 6:00 pm
Dec. 17: Board Meeting 7:00
Dec. 17: MASSP Meeting
Dec. 19: FESTIVAS HS –Student Council  

Enrollment   HS: 
 9th:  34       10th:29      11th:29     12th:30     Total: 122

News from the High School Principal Desk:
High School is doing well.  Winter sports have started and school is running smoothly.  The Troy School District called and wanted us to share our initiatives with them and we have done so.  It’s nice when other districts call for our leadership in education.  I will include our plan for Friday which I believe is again a wonderful day for community, staff and students.  Our MY VOICE student surveys are back and we are making great gains as a school.  Our sophomore class is showing a need for improvement in all areas.  We will be working with them to increase their capacity to feel better about our school and their education.  As a whole we increased in 44 areas while decreasing in 17.  Of the areas we marked last year to work on we met those goals in 16 out of 20 areas on the survey.  The My Voice data will help us make school improvement priorities and drive decisions in our high school.  Sophomores are definitely our priority for needed improvement. 

-Early Out Friday 12-12-14-
8:15-8:25: Roll and Lunch count-Report to Gym 
8:35-9:15: Work Hard and My Voice –Community Graduation Matters Panel

ü  Brian Morton
ü  Daisy Vandenbos
ü  Raymond Matt
ü  Marvin Courville
ü  Blakely Phillips
ü  Valerie Johnson

9:20-10:10: Advisory
·        Senior Project Portfolio Organization for each particular year as listed in expectations.  Mrs. Redmond will send all of you what each grade needs to have in the portfolios for each grade level.  Talk to students about the importance of adding other items like awards, assignments, computer programs that they are fluent with, writing samples or other work that speaks to their skills and abilities. 

10:15-12:00: Students that are caught up and passing classes will be given the opportunity to take extension classes of interest.  Those students not passing or not caught up will be doing work on work.

12:00-12:45: Lunch

8:30-9:15 and 12:45-2:15:  Teacher School Improvement: Milepost, Rubicon, Bulldog Post Cards, School, District and Quarter Two Goals. 
Extension Courses- Sign-ups this Friday-
Courses to Offer: 12-12-14                      10:15-12:00

I.                 MBI Activities – Purpose and Vision Capacity Building  
a)      Where: Mr. Ferris Room
b)      Students: MBI Members
c)      Instructor: Mr. Ferris, Mrs. Ferris, Mr. Young

II.               Student Council Planning Meeting
d)      Where: Mr. Biggs Room
e)      Students: Student Council Members
f)       Instructor: Mr. Biggs

III.              Crocheting and Knitting:  Students will be learning to crochet and knit. 
a)      Where: Mrs. Mikkelsen Room
b)      Students: Max 6
c)      Instructor: Mrs. Mikkelsen Room  

IV.             Mexican Holiday Crafts 
a)      Where: Mrs. Lodge Room
b)      Students: Max 10
c)      Instructor: Mrs. Cable / Mrs. Lodge 

V.               Dance: Dance moves that will make you the hit of any music or gathering.
a)      Where: Gym
b)      Students: Max 25
c)      Instructor:  Mrs. Anderson

VI.             C4C: Careers for Computers: Presentation on careers for computer-interested students in computer science, information systems and information technology areas.  We will do a fun, animated programming activity using the free Alice software program.  
a)      Where: Computer Lab
b)      Students: Max 10 Students
c)      Instructor: Mr. Dennis LaBonty –Big Sky Pathway Coordinator –Salish Kootenai College

VII.            Arts and Crafts- Exploring the Arts- Creating Art Club
a)      Where: Art Room
b)      Students: Max 20
c)      Instructor: Ms. Link

VIII.          Movie Production- Acting-Drama-Independent Film Project – Dana Goss Dickie is producing the film and is in need of actors.  This is an opportunity to be a movie star and cast for our film.  During this time we will have casting opportunities for rolls and hopefully if time begin shooting.  
a)      Where – Everywhere
b)      Students: Max 8
c)      Instructor: Mr. Pule

IX.              Chess Club – Learn to play chess and stretch your mind to the game that takes great strategy and planning to beat your opponent.  A wonderful game- 
a)      Where: Mr. Fisher’s Room
b)      Students: Max 10 Students 
c)      Instructor: Mr. Fisher

Work on Work Teachers for 12-14: (Any students with Failing Grades or Many Missing Assignments)- 
-        Mr. Ligas-
-        Mrs. Keast-
-        Mr. Marchant-
-        Mrs. Phillips-
-        Mrs. Rhine-
-        Mr. Bosley -

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Love and Logic

Six-year-old Paul was at the family reunion when he asked his uncle if he could see the moths in his billfold.

“What do you mean?” asked Uncle Fred.

“My dad told my mom that you were so tight that if you ever opened your billfold, moths would fly out, and I want to watch,” replied Paul.

We all know where Paul picked this up. Kids remember all the things they hear through eavesdropping, while they often don’t listen well to the things they are told directly.
Unfortunately, Paul has another problem. He has overheard his parents criticizing his teachers and the school. That could be the reason he believes that his bad grades are not the result of laziness, but because he doesn’t have to do what the stupid teacher says.

Regardless of how we feel about the school or the teacher, it is real bad business to say it where our kids can overhear it. Better we send a consistent message that achievement comes through hard work and listening to the teachers.

Study the DVD, “Hope for Underachieving Kids” to get practical techniques for helping your kids become top students.

Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.
Jim Fay

November News

St. Ignatius high school staff will be presenting with Mike Corso on how we have have used the "My Voice" and "I Know My Class" programs and surveys.  We have made a lot of gains tracking data and meeting quarterly goals.  Go St. Ignatius Staff and Students!!! Our shared leadership approach is showing change and gains in our system.  
Dates and Events for November: 

Nov. 4: Election Day
Nov. 4: Winter Sport Meeting 7 pm
Nov. 6: Student Led Conferences 4-8
Nov. 7: Traditional Conferences 8-12
Nov. 7: Student First Nominees Due to Mr. Sargent for Top Dawg- I just need the students name and a brief description of how they are overcoming obstacles and showing resiliency to stay and succeed in school.   
Nov. 11: Veterans Day Assembly at the Mission Remembrance Wall -High School Students Time: 11-12:00 a.m.
Nov. 12: Technology Committee 4pm and IEC Meeting 5:30
Nov. 13: Top Dawg Assembly 2pm
Nov. 14: PIR Day – No School
Nov. 18: Career Day
Nov. 18-19: HS Forum in Helena- R.Ferris, S.Keast, K.Anderson, J.Sargent
Nov. 20: School Improvement Meeting 6pm
Nov. 20: EEE Luncheon for Grant Recipients- Missoula
Nov. 24: Fall Sports Banquet 6:30-7:30
Nov. 26-30: No School Thanksgiving Break  
Enrollment   HS: 
 9th:  34       10th:29      11th:29     12th:30     Total: 122

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October News HS --

Oct. 3: 20 Day Rule Surveys Due
Oct. 6: Picture Day and Count Day
Oct. 8: Tech Committee Meeting 4 pm
Oct. 8: IEC Meeting 5:30 pm
Oct. 10: Extension Courses and “Indian Relay” Movie
Oct. 13: A.E.D. Training for select staff and students
Oct. 12-13: MBI Youth Days –Kalispell (8 students 2 Staff)
Oct. 17: Cornerstone Tailgate 6-7 before game –Proceeds Donated to Athletics
Oct. 16-17: MEA/AFT Conference
Oct. 27-31: My Voice Survey
Oct. 27: School Improvement Meeting
Oct. 30: Trick or Treat SSC Fun Night for Community
Enrollment   HS: 
 9th:  34       10th:29      11th:29     12th:30     Total: 122

News from the High School Principal Desk:
We are busy setting up 20 Day intervention meetings with parents of students that could potentially be at-risk. We are making gains on our school and district goals.  Our first quarter goals of ‘Frame the Lesson’ we are meeting in 88% of our classrooms.  Our goal of 3 grades a week has been achieved in 81% of our classrooms.  We have had 125 bulldog postcards go home and many parents comment on how well they appreciate this information.   We have had many bulldog tickets filled out for students as well for positive behaviors.  We are excited about our initiatives and will continue to work hard making our school great.  We have eight students attending the youth summit in Kalispell.  I’m really excited about our junior class this year; they scored very high on the MAP testing last spring.  This class will be representing our school for the Smarter Balance testing this year which is exciting.  So far this year the high school has had 97% attendance rate, which we need to be able to maintain.  We will be scheduling the My Voice Survey soon for our 2014-2015 classes.  We had Blue and White Pride Day and 90% of our students participated.  Go Bulldogs!!!  We are making great strides and I am very excited about the results. 

October Extension Courses:

I.                 Home Architect 3D: a CAD Computer Assisted Drawing course taught year long in classroom.  This class would discuss the fundamentals of drawing, representing and rendering house plans. 
a)      Where: Mr. Ferris Room
b)      Students: 9 Max
c)      Instructor: Mr. Ferris 

II.               Crocheting and Knitting:  Students will be learning to crochet and knit. 
a)      Where: Mrs. Mikkelsen Room
b)      Students: Max 6
c)      Instructor: Mrs. Mikkelsen Room

III.              Automobile Care and Maintenance: Basic automotive service ie-air pressure, change oil, wipers, fuses, air filter, brakes and general car maintenance. 
a)      Where: Shop
b)      Students: Max 10
c)      Instructor: Mrs. Cable, Mr. Young

IV.             School Pride Flyer (Ongoing workshop 4 sessions each): Create a flyer for our school using photography, journalism and technology.   
a)      Where: Mrs. Phillips Room
b)      Students: 6
c)      Instructor: Mrs. Phillips

V.               Dance: Dance moves that will make you the hit of any music or gathering.
a)      Where: Gym
b)      Students: Max 25
c)      Instructor:  Mrs. Anderson

VI.             Town Clean Up Project- SES Project for Scholarship Community Service
a)      Where: Downtown
b)      Students: Max 20
c)      Instructor: Mrs. Keast and Mrs. Ferris

VII.            Fly Tying – Tying Montana Flies
a)      Where: Mr. Ligas Room
b)      Students: Max 6
c)      Instructor: Mr. Ligas

VIII.          Biking- Biking the Mission Mtn. Frontier –Must have bike and helmet
a)      Where: Mission Loop
b)      Students: 25 Max
c)      Instructor: Mr. Marchant and Mr. Fisher

IX.              Arts and Crafts- Exploring the Arts- Creating Art Club
a)      Where: Art Room
b)      Students: Max 20
c)      Instructor: Ms. Link

X.               Movie Production- MBI/Graduation Matters-Independent Film Project that could be developed, produced and sold to the school for MBI and Graduation Matters Initiatives. (Ongoing project this year during school and out of school time) Must have been involved with summer movie production through Gear Up. 
a)      Where – Everywhere
b)      Students: Max 2
c)      Instructor: Mr. Sargent

XI.              Astronomy – Glacier Park Pictures from the past 25 years- Telescope and study of sun spots. 
a)      Where: Mr. Fisher’s Room
b)      Students: Max 15 Students
c)      Instructor: Mike Hawkaluk –Mission Graduate with 25 years Astronomy Experience leading groups in Glacier Park