Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thursday Notes
Thursday Notes
Jason Sargent –Principal
Enrollment HS: 158 MS: 116 Totals: 274 _______________________________________________________________________
Nov. 29-Dec. 3: Children Theatre
Dec. 6: FB and VB Awards Banquet 6:30
Dec. 6-Dec. 17: Secret Santa-Sign Up with Brenda –You don’t have to do something everyday you can do something once, twice or whatever. This will be fun. Brenda can help deliver and execute secrets.
Dec. 15: HS/MS Holiday Concert 7pm
Dec. 20: Elementary Concert 7 pm
Dec. 17: Christmas Party 6 pm- Sign Up on Survey Monkey
Dec. 21: Board Meeting
Dec. 22: Early Out 2:15
Zero-Policy: We need to review and talk about this policy in the middle and high school during the second quarter. We will officially start this second semester. I want to spend time teaching what we expect with this policy. Spend time talking to kids about future expectations and feel free to assign students who are habitual offenders to the after school tutoring.
At St. Ignatius Middle and High School we all agree that turning work in is an important key to a successful educational experience. The expectation for our school is to responsibly turn work in on time with the entire assignment complete. Our students strive for excellence and will achieve higher academic success if all students diligently hand in work on a consistent basis. Students who do not hand in the required assignments will be assigned to after school tutoring by the teacher until the missing assignments are turned in. Students will be given a detention notice that will be assigned for the following day after school so that arrangements can be made by the student and parents for pick up. If a student chooses not to attend after school tutoring, the administrator will then call guardians for a plan to make work up, assign ISS until work is made up, or OSS until a parent comes in with student and the work is made up. Teachers will check for missing assignments weekly or bi-weekly. Our goal is have all assignments turned in by all students on time. Teachers late-work policies will remain in place and dependent upon each teachers own rules for late work.
S.W.I.S: Sense of Belonging; Safe and Welcoming School Initiative Looks Great!!!!
Middle School:
90% of our students 0 or 1 Referrals (GREAT!!)
8% of our students 2-5 Referrals
2% of our students 6+ Referrals
Higher number of referrals in Aug/Sept and leveled in Oct compared to last year.
65% in Classroom 15% in Hallway
We have had 55 referrals with 50% defiance/disrespect/Insubordination/non-compliance
21% Physical Aggression
High School:
97% of our students 0 or 1 Referrals (GREAT!!)
3% of our students 2-5 Referrals
0% of our students 6+ Referrals
Lower referrals in Oct compared to last year and higher in Sept.
72% in Classroom 22% in Hallway
We have had 22 referrals with 54% defiance/disrespect/Insubordination/non-compliance
30% Physical Aggression, Disruption, Vandalism
This data shows improvement thus far from last year. GREAT JOB STAFF!!!!!
Calendar and Schedule: I didn’t receive any input from staff on changing what we do and how we do it. We still need 3 teacher volunteers from both the middle and high school for this committee.
Calendar Committee:
-Jason Sargent
-Richard Martin
-Lynette Mikkelsen
-Marlene Lodge
We need at least one more in middle school and at least one more in the high school. Don’t complain later for decisions that you could be involved in today.
I still need strategic planning input. Anything that you want to be fixed with facilities or school goals let me know.
District and School Goals:
Goals for the 2010-2011 school year:
o Maintain safety, support and belonging for all students.
o Increase the percentage of students scoring proficient or higher on the Mont
CAS in READING by 10% from 78% to 88% (proficient or above district-wide).
o Increase the percentage of students scoring proficient or higher on the Mont
CAS in MATH by 10% from 59% to 69% (proficient or above district-wide).
Our Mission
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