St. Ignatius high school staff will be presenting with Mike Corso on how we have have used the "My Voice" and "I Know My Class" programs and surveys. We have made a lot of gains tracking data and meeting quarterly goals. Go St. Ignatius Staff and Students!!! Our shared leadership approach is showing change and gains in our system.
Dates and Events for November:
Nov. 4: Election Day
Nov. 4: Winter Sport Meeting 7 pm
Nov. 6: Student Led Conferences 4-8
Nov. 7: Traditional Conferences 8-12
Nov. 7: Student First Nominees Due to Mr. Sargent for Top
Dawg- I just need the students name and a brief description of how they are
overcoming obstacles and showing resiliency to stay and succeed in school.
Nov. 11: Veterans Day Assembly at the Mission Remembrance
Wall -High School Students Time: 11-12:00 a.m.
Nov. 12: Technology Committee 4pm and IEC Meeting 5:30
Nov. 13: Top Dawg Assembly 2pm
Nov. 14: PIR Day – No School
Nov. 18: Career Day
Nov. 18-19: HS Forum in Helena- R.Ferris, S.Keast,
K.Anderson, J.Sargent
Nov. 20: School Improvement Meeting 6pm
Nov. 20: EEE Luncheon for Grant Recipients- Missoula
Nov. 24: Fall Sports Banquet 6:30-7:30
Nov. 26-30: No School Thanksgiving Break
Enrollment HS:
9th: 34 10th:29 11th:29 12th:30 Total: