Friday, December 6, 2013


                                                                                      2012-2013    2013-2014   
P/T CONFERENCE    PARTICIPATION    FALL Student Led Conference    90%           95%   
My Voice Survey Grade 8-11                                                 2012-2013    2013-2014   
Students planning on going to college                                             72%    78%    pos. 6
1) School is a welcoming and friendly place                                   69%    80%    pos. 11
2)Teachers make an effort to get to know me                                  48%    58%    pos. 10
3) I am proud of my school                                                              52%    60%    pos. 8
4) I think bullying is a problem at my school.                                 29%    21%    pos. 8
1)Teachers care about me as as individual                                       50%    60%    pos. 10
Sense of Accomplishment                   
1) Teachers let my parents know what I do well                              52%    60%    pos. 8
Fun and Excitement                   
1) Teachers make school an exciting place to learn                         36%    45%    pos. 9
Curiosity and Creativity                   
1)My classes help me understand what is happeing in everyday life 37%    47%    pos. 10
2) School inspires me to learn                                                           54%    55%    pos. 1
Spirit of Adventure                   
1) I like challenging Assignments                                                     33%    32%    neg. 1
2) Students are supportive of each other                                           54%    56%    pos. 2
Leadership and Responisibity                   
1)Students have a voice in decision making at school                      33%    55%    pos. 22
2)I know the goals my school is working on this year                      51%    52%    pos. 1
Confidence to take Action                   
1)Teachers believe in me and expect me to to be successful            65%    80%    pos. 15                
2) School is preparing me well for my future                                   62%    60%    neg. 2

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homecoming Results

Homecoming Results 2013: 
Break down event winners and results…
(The floats are worth 3 x and the skit and hallway is worth 2x)
Skit                                        Floats                                           Hallways               
1- Sophomores                 1- Seniors                                    1-Sophomores                     
2- Juniors                            2-  Freshmen                             2- Juniors                    
3- Freshmen                      3-Sophomores                          3- Freshmen                
4-Seniors                             4-  Juniors                                   4- Seniors

                                                1                                      2                                      3                         4
Car Push:                             Juniors                         Sophomores              Seniors                 Freshmen
Obstacle Course:             Sophomores              Juniors                         Seniors                 Freshmen
Minute to Win It:            Seniors                         Sophomores              Juniors                 Freshmen
Dodge Ball:                         Juniors                         Seniors                         Freshmen           Sophomores
Dress Up:                            Seniors                         Sophomores              Juniors                 Freshmen
Food Drive:                        Sophomores              Seniors                         Juniors                 Freshmen
Volleyball Posters:         Seniors                         Sophomores              Freshmen           Juniors

BUSINESS WINNERS: Best Overall Bulldog Spirit WINNER FOR 2013-Rod’s Harvest Foods
Best Football Supporter:                 Cenex                 
Best Volleyball Supporter:  NAPA

Presentation of the PRIDE BONE TO THE    SOPHOMORES
2nd – Seniors
3rd-    Juniors
4th -   Freshmen

Monday, September 23, 2013

Homecoming Week

Welcome Back!!!

We have had a great start to the year!!
Homecoming Week :

Businesses will have a window contest this week.  Mr. Ferris will get this organized with potential cheerleaders.

When:    Sept. 23-28
Why:      To honor alumni of St. Ignatius and celebrate our school pride and colors.
Where:   Event times and places will be listed below.
Homecoming Candidates    Queen:  Briar Alborn, Kayla Billete, Kaylie Durglo, Gina Linsebigler
                                                King:  Mariam Branson, Jarred Brown, Partick Eichert, Ryce Hegwood

Alumni speakers would be a special touch to your class periods this week.  If you know of alumni that would be willing to come in please notify the office so that we can make use of their time.

Cheerleaders: Decorate FB Field, Classes Do Posters for Vball game

Homecoming FB Game – Sept. 27 – 7 PM       FB Field                              DOGS vs. DeerLodge
                Introduce Class Winners                    Halftime of Game             Football Field
                Crowning of Royalty                            Halftime of Game             Football Field

Homecoming VB Game – Sept. 26 - 4:15 PM  HS Gym                              Dogs vs. BigFork
                 Introduce Royalty Before Varsity Game – around 6:30 PM 

Event                                                      Time                        Place

Assembly to kick off homecoming and   8:20-8:30                          Gym
Discuss expectations-Monday Sept. 23

Locker Decorating                                    All Week                                  Lockers-Judged After Lunch Thurs.

Classes build floats for parade           8:30-11:00                             -Floats/Skit Friday  
                                                                                                                                                                                          Designated Area on Campus
 (Mon-Thurs Students can work independently getting trailer and props built on their own)

Food Drive                              All week (food counted       
½ hour out of P1-4 class Mon.- Thur.
Tues.- 9:20-9:45
Thur.- 11:10-11:40
Please have collection boxes in
                                                    by item on Friday (AM)         Classrooms: 9th gr.-Cronk, 10th gr.-Fisher,
                                                                                                            11th gr.-Phillips, 12th gr.-Marchant
                                *MS has boxes in the community-HS should have boxes in classrooms only.

Class Spirit Competition                        Mon.: Car Push                     8:30-9:00
                                                                        Tues.: Obstacle Course      9:20-9:50
                                                                        Weds: Minute to Win It     10:15-10:45
                                                                        Thurs: Dodge Ball                 11:15-11:45

Homecoming Dance                             FCCLA Friday Sept. 27 After FB Game
                                                                        Big Red Barn                          

Continued on back

Friday Schedule and Events:   8:15-8:30-     Class Meeting
                                                            8:30-11:00-   Skit and Float Prep
                                                            11:00-11:30- Skits 11:30-12:00 King and Queen- Formal Dress
                                                            12:00-12:35-  Lunch
                                                            12:35-1:15 –  Elem/MS/HS PEP ASSEMBLY /Senior Honoring
            1:15-                Line Up for Parade
            1:30-                Parade
                                                            2:15-                Excused From School
HS Dress Up Days
Mon: Famous Person
Tues: Toga(School Dress Code)
Wed: Red Neck / Hillbilly
Thurs: Era Day
Fri:  Blue and White Day

Please remember to call Brenda SECOND period
 with dress up day totals


Friday, April 19, 2013

Be Bear Aware - It's that time of year again...
Be Bear Aware (tm)
Bear Encounters
Predatory Confrontations:
Black Bear, Copyright Chuck Bartlebaugh, CFWIAny bear or cougar that continues to approach, follow, disappear and reappear, or displays other stalking behaviors is acting in a predatory manner. Bears that attack you in your tent or confront you aggressively in your campsite or cooking area should also be considered a predatory threat.
If the bear or cougar does not respond to aggressive actions such as yelling, throwing rocks and sticks, etc., you should be prepared to physically fight back if it attempts to make contact. If you have bear pepper spray, emit a deterring blast, preferably before the bear or cougar is within twenty-five feet. This gives the animal time to divert its advance.
Defensive Confrontations:
(Usually with Grizzly Bears)
Confrontations are usually the result of a sudden encounter with a grizzly bear protecting its space, cubs or food caches. On rare occasions it may be a black bear. In defensive confrontations., the bear is attacking you because it feels threatened.
Grizzly Bear Attack, Copyright Chuck Bartlebaugh, CFWIIf contact is made, or about to be made, drop to the ground and play dead. Lay on your stomach, clasp your hands behind your neck, and use your elbows and toes to avoid being rolled over. If the bear does roll you over, keep rolling until you land back on your stomach. Remain still and try not to struggle or scream. A defensive bear will stop attacking once it feels the threat has been removed. Do not move until you are absolutely sure the bear has left the area.
Always review the latest information on what to do in an encounter or attack by contacting the wildlife and land management agency where you are recreating. Bear behavior varies from species to species and as a result of their individual experiences. There is no one assured protective action to take during an encounter or attack. Polar bear avoidance requires special training and equipment. Always travel with an experienced guide.
  • All cougar close encounters should be considered confrontational and predatory. Be prepared to aggressively fight back.  
  • Do not panic! Group together, pick up small children and assess the situation. Prepare to use your bear spray.  
  • Do not run or make sudden movements, it may instinctively cause the bear or cougar to charge you.  
  • Give bears a chance to identify you as human, and not a threat. If the bear stands up, it is trying to see, hear and smell you better. Talk firmly in a low-pitched voice while backing away. Avoid direct eye contact as bears may perceive this as a challenge or threat.  
  • Continue to back away slowly and cautiously, retreating to a place of safety. Monitor the animal’s response, and adjust your actions accordingly.  
Black Bear, Copyright Chuck Bartlebaugh, CFWIWhether you hike, mountain bike, float rivers or ride horses, there are precautions you should take. Following the suggestions below will help make the journey safer for you, your companions, and wildlife. Remember, all wildlife can be dangerous. Please do not approach or feed wild animals, especially bears.
  • Human conflicts with bears, cougars and alligators usually receive widespread media attention. However, most conflicts that result in human injury involve other species of wild animals. Conflicts with wildlife are primarily caused by inappropriate human behavior.  
  • Many wild land visitors mistakenly believe that there are specific gestures and warning signals wild animals make that will give people time to retreat to safety. Wild animals (including bears, deer, elk, alligators, wild hogs, squirrels and raccoons) are individualistic and unpredictable. Animals that ignore you, look calm, or appear friendly may suddenly and without warning charge or strike out. 
    Alligator, Copyright Chuck Bartlebaugh, CFWI
  • Human injury often occurs when any animal responds to a perceived threat with instinctive "fight or flight behavior". People get injured simply because they are too close and in the animals way. A car horn, barking dog or excited child can trigger an animal into fight or flight behavior.  
  • Both females and males of most species are equally dangerous. Although animals may look or act tame, they are wild and may change quickly and unpredictably from passive or "friendly" to aggressive behavior. If an animal approaches you, it is your responsibility to move away to maintain a safe distance.
Bears and Cougars
Black bears are found throughout most of North America, while grizzly/brown bears are only found in the northwestern states, Alaska and western Canada. Cougars, (also called mountain lions), panthers and pumas, have been expanding their territory in North America. Every year millions of recreationists have the opportunity to safely observe bears and catch rare glimpses of cougars from observation areas and hiking trails without any confrontation.
Confrontations with bears and cougars are very rare. In recent years, attacks are most commonly the direct result of people approaching the animals for photographs, hiking off trails in dense brush, or feeding the animals, particularly bears. You can minimize the possibility of a confrontation by following one basic rule: Never Approach, Feed or Follow Wild Animals Especially Bears.
Special Things to Know
  • Startled bears will often confront intruders by turning sideways to appear larger, make woofing and teeth clacking sounds, salivate, lay their ears back and slap the ground with their paws. These are warnings for you to leave the area.  
  • Mother bears are very protective of their cubs. A startled black bear will often send her cubs up a tree while she stands guard at the bottom. This gives you an opportunity to leave without a confrontation. Mother grizzly bears try to avoid people, but if you surprise one, she might bluff charge to remove the threat.  
  • Cougars are secretive and elusive. They can jump 30 feet from a standstill and 20 feet up a cliffside. They mark their territory by urinating on scratch piles usually made of grass, dirt, pine needles and leaves. They often hide behind bushes, logs or rock outcroppings, and usually leave an area when they hear people approaching.  
  • If a bear stands on its hind legs, it is not being aggressive. It is trying to see, hear and smell you better in order to identify what you are. Talk firmly and in a low-pitched voice while cautiously backing away.  
  • During extreme conditions such as droughts, thunderstorms and forest fires, all wildlife, especially bears and cougars, may become more aggressive and confrontational.
Bears and Cougars at a Distance:
  • Mountain Lion, Copyright Chuck Bartlebaugh, CFWIBears-Detour as far away as possible while monitoring the bear’s behavior. If the bear is close to the trail and you cannot bypass it or return the way you came, wait for the bear to leave the trail area. If the bear is approaching you, identify yourself as human by allowing the bear to see and hear you. The bear should divert its direction and avoid you. 
  • Cougars-Even at a distance a brief glimpse should be cause for alarm. Though the cougar is most likely to leave the area, you should group together and travel with great caution. If there are repeated sightings, be prepared to aggressively defend yourself and others. Be alert and on guard for the remainder of your hike.