Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November News


Enrollment   HS:123      MS: 117       Total MS/HS: 240

6th: 43     9th: 36

7th: 42   10th: 25

8th: 32   11th: 35

T: 117   12th: 26

               T: 122   



Nov. 12: Veteran’s Assembly

Nov. 12: Fall Sports Banquet

Nov. 15:  Quiz Bowl Frenchtown

Nov. 16:  College Field Trips Mock Interviews

Nov. 19-20: MUN Missoula

Nov. 20: 12:30 Dismissal

Nov. 21-25:  Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 26-Dec. 7: My Voice Survey Window

Nov. 27-28: High School Panel Participants for RTI,MBI and Graduation Matters




Top Dawg Assembly

Demonstrate Integrity

Achieve Excellence

Work Hard

Gain Respect

Share Responsibility



Discipline1st Quarter:

88% of our middle school has had 0 or 1 referral

92% of our high school has had 0 or 1 referral



We are doing better in both schools with attendance and tardies in the high school much better this year!!

Writing across the Curriculum- November

This month we're focusing on the Drafting stage of the writing process, as per the large posters in all rooms.


Common Core Information:

2011-12 through 2013-2014 the MontCAS will:

ü  Use the current standards and reporting system

ü  Progressively align content with the MCCS

ü  Implement test questions to align with the MCCS

ü  Provide released field test items aligned to MCCS

***Grade levels assessed will be 3rd-8th and 11th ***

      Montana’s participating in an assessment consortium called SBAC (Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium)

      Summative assessment (required, provided by state, replaces CRT)

      Interim assessment (optional, for a fee—probably $7 per student)

      Formative assessments

             (process tools and resources—not a test, optional)


1.  More rigorous tests measuring student progress toward “college and career readiness”

2.  Have common, comparable scores across member states, and across consortia

3.  Provide achievement and growth information to help make better educational decisions and professional development opportunities

4.  Assess all students, except those with “significant cognitive disabilities”

5.  Administer online, with timely results

6.  Use multiple measures


Ripple Effects:

  This is a possible program we are looking at for students in ISS that will provide actual education about behavior and their actions that work to improve the student academically and behaviorally.

  Research uniformly shows Ripple Effects raises grades and test scores

  Promotes readiness to learn

  Reduces teacher conflict

  Increases instructional time

  Can improve problem solving, critical thinking skills

  Can improve language arts competency

  Can inform students on how they learn best

  Can increase connection to school

  Can increase resiliency to trauma/hard things

  Ripple Effects is proven to do all of this

Graduation Matters:

  The 8 Goals developed during optional days are now going to be taken to student focus groups to get input from them for ideas. 

  Million Voice will be taken very soon by all students this will be an online survey.  Every two years is the goal for this survey. 

“I know my class” We are signed up just waiting for details to get this started.  Again, thanks to all of you who volunteered



Mr. Ferris attended the MBI facilitator training in Bozeman and we are currently working on the TIC.  Teacher Implementation Check-list. 


Student Led Conferences:

Student Led Conferences went well and I even though I have no results as of yet, I anticipate close to 95% turnout from parents.  This format has taken us from 25% turnout to 95% turnout. 


Book Club

 An Unchanged Mind, The problem of immaturity in adolescence. 

  Book Description

  Publication Date: November 30, 2008

  The author begins with a clinical riddle: Why are American teenagers failing to develop normally through adolescence? We are presented with case studies from a therapeutic boarding school for troubled teenagers: All new students had been deemed treatment "failures" after conventional psychiatric care. All were bright teenagers, full of promise, not obviously "ill." Yet they found themselves unprepared for the challenges of modern adolescence and inevitably failed--at school, at home, and among their peers socially.

  An Unchanged Mind is the discovery of the essence of this problem--disrupted maturation and resulting immaturity. The book explains the problem carefully, with a brief review of normal development and an examination of the delays today's teenagers are suffering: the causes of those delays and how they produce a flawed approach to living. There is a solution. With a sustained push to help troubled kids catch up, symptoms abate, academic and interpersonal functioning improve, and parents pronounce their teens miraculously recovered. This remedy is not a matter of pharmacology--and the cure is not in pills. The remedy is, instead, to grow up.

     Our Mission:

Demonstrate Integrity

Achieve Excellence

Work Hard

Gain Respect

Share Responsibility

             GO DAWGS!!!!


·        Our School-Wide Focus and Goals:

o   A Safe and Welcoming School

o   A School that Values Sense of Belonging

o   Curriculum and Instruction

o   A Positive Future for All Students