Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November News


Enrollment   HS:123      MS: 117       Total MS/HS: 240

6th: 43     9th: 36

7th: 42   10th: 25

8th: 32   11th: 35

T: 117   12th: 26

               T: 122   



Nov. 12: Veteran’s Assembly

Nov. 12: Fall Sports Banquet

Nov. 15:  Quiz Bowl Frenchtown

Nov. 16:  College Field Trips Mock Interviews

Nov. 19-20: MUN Missoula

Nov. 20: 12:30 Dismissal

Nov. 21-25:  Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 26-Dec. 7: My Voice Survey Window

Nov. 27-28: High School Panel Participants for RTI,MBI and Graduation Matters




Top Dawg Assembly

Demonstrate Integrity

Achieve Excellence

Work Hard

Gain Respect

Share Responsibility



Discipline1st Quarter:

88% of our middle school has had 0 or 1 referral

92% of our high school has had 0 or 1 referral



We are doing better in both schools with attendance and tardies in the high school much better this year!!

Writing across the Curriculum- November

This month we're focusing on the Drafting stage of the writing process, as per the large posters in all rooms.


Common Core Information:

2011-12 through 2013-2014 the MontCAS will:

ü  Use the current standards and reporting system

ü  Progressively align content with the MCCS

ü  Implement test questions to align with the MCCS

ü  Provide released field test items aligned to MCCS

***Grade levels assessed will be 3rd-8th and 11th ***

      Montana’s participating in an assessment consortium called SBAC (Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium)

      Summative assessment (required, provided by state, replaces CRT)

      Interim assessment (optional, for a fee—probably $7 per student)

      Formative assessments

             (process tools and resources—not a test, optional)


1.  More rigorous tests measuring student progress toward “college and career readiness”

2.  Have common, comparable scores across member states, and across consortia

3.  Provide achievement and growth information to help make better educational decisions and professional development opportunities

4.  Assess all students, except those with “significant cognitive disabilities”

5.  Administer online, with timely results

6.  Use multiple measures


Ripple Effects:

  This is a possible program we are looking at for students in ISS that will provide actual education about behavior and their actions that work to improve the student academically and behaviorally.

  Research uniformly shows Ripple Effects raises grades and test scores

  Promotes readiness to learn

  Reduces teacher conflict

  Increases instructional time

  Can improve problem solving, critical thinking skills

  Can improve language arts competency

  Can inform students on how they learn best

  Can increase connection to school

  Can increase resiliency to trauma/hard things

  Ripple Effects is proven to do all of this

Graduation Matters:

  The 8 Goals developed during optional days are now going to be taken to student focus groups to get input from them for ideas. 

  Million Voice will be taken very soon by all students this will be an online survey.  Every two years is the goal for this survey. 

“I know my class” We are signed up just waiting for details to get this started.  Again, thanks to all of you who volunteered



Mr. Ferris attended the MBI facilitator training in Bozeman and we are currently working on the TIC.  Teacher Implementation Check-list. 


Student Led Conferences:

Student Led Conferences went well and I even though I have no results as of yet, I anticipate close to 95% turnout from parents.  This format has taken us from 25% turnout to 95% turnout. 


Book Club

 An Unchanged Mind, The problem of immaturity in adolescence. 

  Book Description

  Publication Date: November 30, 2008

  The author begins with a clinical riddle: Why are American teenagers failing to develop normally through adolescence? We are presented with case studies from a therapeutic boarding school for troubled teenagers: All new students had been deemed treatment "failures" after conventional psychiatric care. All were bright teenagers, full of promise, not obviously "ill." Yet they found themselves unprepared for the challenges of modern adolescence and inevitably failed--at school, at home, and among their peers socially.

  An Unchanged Mind is the discovery of the essence of this problem--disrupted maturation and resulting immaturity. The book explains the problem carefully, with a brief review of normal development and an examination of the delays today's teenagers are suffering: the causes of those delays and how they produce a flawed approach to living. There is a solution. With a sustained push to help troubled kids catch up, symptoms abate, academic and interpersonal functioning improve, and parents pronounce their teens miraculously recovered. This remedy is not a matter of pharmacology--and the cure is not in pills. The remedy is, instead, to grow up.

     Our Mission:

Demonstrate Integrity

Achieve Excellence

Work Hard

Gain Respect

Share Responsibility

             GO DAWGS!!!!


·        Our School-Wide Focus and Goals:

o   A Safe and Welcoming School

o   A School that Values Sense of Belonging

o   Curriculum and Instruction

o   A Positive Future for All Students


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Important Dates


Sept. 27: RTI Meeting 10:15

October 1: Picture Day

October 1: Count Day

October 1: Dr. Corso Training and Demonstration “I Know My Class Survey” –Steve York was very impressed with our school-wide initiatives. 1:30 pm -Teachers that can make it from 1:30-3:20

October 1: Staff Meeting 3:30-4:00 “I Know My Class”

October 2: Tom’s Shoes Day

October 3: Region 1 MASSP Meeting

Ocotber 8-12: HOMECOMING

October 15: PLAN Test

October 16: EXPLORE Test

October 17: PSAT Test

October 22: Red Ribbon Week

October 24: Red Ribbon Assembly 10am

October 25-26: Gear Up Evaluation
October 29: MBI Missoula   

Homecoming 2012


Businesses will have a window contest this week.  Mr. Ferris will get this organized with potential cheerleaders.


When:    Oct. 8-12

Why:      To honor alumni of St. Ignatius and celebrate our school pride and colors.

Where:   Event times and places will be listed below.

Homecoming Candidates    Queen:  Sara Nerby, Stephanie Lewandowski, Emily McCrea, Emyli Gillingham

                                                King:  Nikko Alexander, Dylan Evans, Nicholas Johnson, Barret Sargent


Alumni speakers would be a special touch to your class periods this week.  If you know of alumni that would be willing to come in please notify the office so that we can make use of their time.


Cheerleaders: Decorate FB Field, Classes Do Posters for Vball game


Homecoming FB Game – Oct. 12 – 7 PM         FB Field                              DOGS vs. DeerLodge

                Introduce Class Winners                    Halftime of Game             Football Field

                Crowning of Royalty                            Halftime of Game             Football Field


Homecoming VB Game – Oct. 9 - 4:15 PM      HS Gym                              Dogs vs. Arlee

                 Introduce Royalty Before Varsity Game – around 6:30 PM 


There will be a PEP bus going to the Volleyball game at Loyola on Thursday, Oct. 11.  Leave time is 5:30.  SIGN UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – LIMITED SEAT AVAILABLE!



Event                                                      Time                        Place

Assembly to kick off homecoming and   8:30-8:45                          Gym

Discuss expectations-Monday Oct. 3


Locker Decorating                                    All Week                                  Lockers-Judged After Lunch Thurs.


Classes build floats for parade           8:45-10:45-Floats/Skit Friday               

                                                                                                                                                                                          Designated Area on Campus

 (Mon-Thurs Students can work independently getting trailer and props built on their own)


Food Drive                              All week (food counted       
½ hour out of P1-4 class Mon.- Thur.
Tues.- 9:20-9:45
Thur.- 11:10-11:40
Please have collection boxes in

                                                    by item on Friday (AM)         Classrooms: 9th gr.-Fisher, 10th gr.-Phillips,

                                                                                                            11th gr.-Marchant, 12th gr.-Cronk

                                *MS has boxes in the community-HS should have boxes in classrooms only.


Class Spirit Competition                        Mon.: Car Push                     8:45-9:15

                                                                        Tues.: Dodge Ball                 9:20-9:45

                                                                        Weds:  Minute to Win It    10:15-10:45

                                                                        Thurs: Lovers Leap              11:10-11:40


Homecoming Dance                       Friday - After Game                    Elementary Gym-Sponsor FCCLA

                                                                Oct. 12 - 9:00-12:00???????    


Continued on back




Friday Schedule and Events:   8:30-8:45-Class Meeting
                                                            8:45-11:00 Skit and Float Prep
                                                            11:00-11:30 Skits 11:30-12:00 King and Queen- Formal Dress
                                                            12:00-12:15-Senior Athlete Honoring –Intro our fall seniors
                                                            12:15-12:55  Lunch
                                                            1:00-1:20 –Elem/MS/HS PEP ASSEMBLY
            1:20-Line Up for Parade
            1:30- Parade
            2:10-Treats from Boosters
                                                            2:15- Excused From School

HS Dress Up Days
Mon: Circus/ Crazy Day
Tues: Super Hero Day
Wed: Opposite Sex Appreciation Day
Thurs: Fake an Injury Day
Fri:  Blue and White Day
Please remember to call Brenda SECOND period
 with dress up day totals
































1:20-Line up for Parade: Color Guard, Cop, MS, Teams, Candidates, Floats in order, Grades K-5, Head Start, End with administration. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Every Day, On Time

E.D.O.T.  Every Day On Time!!!

If you want to be successful in school, be here everyday on time.  Any student can be successful, and here are some basic pointers:
  1. I attend school everyday unless I'm sick, and I get there on time.
  2. I get 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
  3. I eat a healthy breakfast in the morning.
  4. I pay attention in class.
  5. I write down my assignments for each subject.
  6. I start my projects when I get them.
  7. I complete my homework on time.
  8. I read for pleasure each day. 
Every Day On Time is a slogan you can use to be more successful in school with higher academic achievement.  Try it!!!  Have a great week. 

HS/MS Goals and Progress

2012-2013 Goals for Middle and High School


·         2012-2013: Conduct a thorough analysis of the instructional program and develop a viable RTI framework.

·         RTI Key Vocabulary, RTI Understanding, Develop RTI Team

·         Organize Data and Implement Mileposts Program

·         Develop Progress Monitoring for Middle and High School –Explore Ideas for how we can formatively progress monitor our students in middle and high school classes.

ü  RTI was presented during the optional day.  I will be responsible for doing the analysis of our instructional program and once we have a walk through program this will be much easier to accomplish.  RTI vocabulary was started; RTI understanding was expanded; The RTI team is 80% completed and our first meeting under our belt; Mileposts is scheduled for training and will help us greatly with our data organization.  I am very excited about the Milepost Program.  We began to brainstorm ideas for progress monitoring and one teacher has all ready looked at purchasing a tool to accomplish this goal.  I am very excited about RTI and what it will add to our school. 


·         2012-2013:  Increase the SET Score of Expectations taught from 50% to 80%

·         Work to Increase District Support from the SET report from 50% to 75%

·         Revise the Universals and continue to enhance our school expectations.  If we expect it, we must spend time to teach it.  Gather and rally support from staff to buy-in to make it a true school-wide initiative.   Use the Million Voice Survey to monitor our school climate and culture.

·         Lower the number of students feeling that they are bullied in school by 50%.  2011-2012 40%; 2010-2011 17%; 2009-2010 25%.  We will survey all middle and high school students in the fall and based on survey work to lower the number to below 20% by spring.

ü  MBI team met and class sponsors reviewed the universals with students to assure this goal gets met.  Great start to the year with many great ideas being generated from the MBI team and staff.  I expect great things from this committee this year.  I am very excited about this initiative and the people involved that will get things done. Steve York and Dr. Corso will be here on October 1, to do professional development and introduce “I Know My Class” program.  Dr. Corso is and MBI professional with wonderful ideas and programs used to benefit students and staff.  



·         2012-2013:  Make AYP by reaching Safe Harbor

·         Use RTI to improve instructional strategies and make reaching our nearing and novice learners with interventions both within the classroom and with school wide changes to increase student achievement.  Identify our students and give them every opportunity we can to increase achievement levels in order to reach safe harbor. We must make AYP this year or face being taken over by the state and controlled externally. We are capable of reaching this goal with diagnosis without blame and making needed changes.  Use MAP to progress monitor individual teacher success and yearly growth.

ü  Goals have been set during our district PIR for these areas and I am confident we will make improvements in these areas this year.  The AYP targets are going up so it may not be attainable, but safe harbor is and we will do everything we can to make safe harbor.  

SWIS Discipline:

·         2011-2012: Lower the number of office referrals by 15%.  That would be lowering high school referrals from 158 to below 134 this year.  In the middle school lowering office referrals from 271 to below 230 this year. 

·         Use MBI to teach what we expect by truly implementing the Universals and teaching expectations with weekly reviews and manner of the week.  Work to lower the number of referrals that involve lack of respect.  RESPECT will be our school-wide emphasis this year.  Defiance and Disrespect is our biggest continual issue of concern. 

·         Positive incentives and positive practice along with improved efforts with PLP’s and RTI intervention plans will be used to lower our top tier students that continually make poor choices.

ü  SWIS will be changing to Mileposts this year and we will be tracking discipline through Mileposts the same way we did with SWIS.  MBI team has been active and doing a wonderful job.  The implementation of Lack of Diligence this year may lead to additional referrals and expulsions for students that continue not to work or participate in the educational process.

Graduation Matters:

·         2012-2013: We want to lower the number of drop-outs this year by at least 50%.  Last year we had 8 drop-outs and would make a goal with RTI and Graduation Matters initiative to have less than 4 drop-outs and of course preferably zero.  Our last Graduation Rate was 82% which will be greatly affected for the next two years by last year’s drop out numbers.  We will make a goal for a graduation rate for 2014 to exceed 90%.

·         Implement Graduation Matters Facilitator to implement initiative to program ideas to increase Graduation Rate and Lower Drop-Out Rate. Monthly report and ideas working with MBI team to combine efforts on this initiative.

ü  We did a half day on RTI on one optional day to help our at-risk youth.  We used the Million Voice Survey to drive our climate and culture goals and came up with at least one goal under each of the eight components from the survey to improve this year.  I have also set up training with Steve York for October 1st for staff and others for the how we can better use the “My Voice” results and look at the implementation of “I KNOW MY CLASS” data tracker for progress monitoring student’s feeling about their educational experience and achievement in each class.  Excited about this program and I believe could be crossed with Mileposts. 



·         2012-2013: Our goal is 100% compliance with staff to following the approved curriculum. To reach all other goals we must get students to the adult mentorship needed to push students in a positive direction to find purpose for their futures.  This is the most important 30 minutes of our week and priority of all staff to follow what has been prepared for them to follow.  I will conduct weekly walk-throughs for quality assurance.

ü  Staff was notified that this is a goal that will be followed through on and monitored. I will be checking on Fridays starting next week for commitment to this directive. 

Walk-Through Data:

·         2012-2013: Do one walk-through per classroom per week. 

·         Increase the staff’s awareness to Research-Based Instructional Practices.  Each teacher will be surveyed to identify what Instructional Practice they each are currently using.  Staff will defend what practice they use and why.  Walk-through data will help us indentify what we are using and what we can do to improve this area to have every staff member using research-based practices to best reach students successfully in the all core areas.  We also need to assure district curriculum aligns with state standards and accountability assessments and that curricula are implemented consistently so that all students have the opportunity to learn.  When the content that is taught is not part of a standard-based curriculum, students are not taught what is assessed, which can result in lower achievement scores. 

·         Starting every class with verbal or posted learning targets, Instructional practices that are research based and working for every classroom teacher, ending class with formative or some sort of progress monitoring system.  Pre, Formative and Summative Assessments that are organized and emphasize student success will also be monitored and tracked as a system.  Technology use of new equipment and implementation can also be tracked this year. 

ü  We currently do not have a walk-through program.  I am currently pricing and shopping for a new program to replace the pd360 walkthrough program that I really liked since I could customize it for our needs.


Presence in the Halls:

·         2012-2013: Increase staff presence in the halls to lower tardiness and increase student sense of belonging.  80% of staff will be present in the halls in between classes. 

·         Principal will welcome students at the door and in the commons 80% in the mornings.  Staff will make an effort to be present in the hallway in between classes to help push students to class and make connections.  Principal will be present in the hallways in between classes at least 50% of the time to monitor teacher commitment. 

ü  We are currently getting around 50% of the staff in the halls, I gave small rewards to teachers that are diligently doing this goal and encouraging staff to follow through.  Gold Stars: Mr. Fisher, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Mikkelsen, Mrs. Ferris, Mr. Ferris, Mr. Pule, Mr. Cronk, Mrs. Adams, Mr. Martin, Mrs. Brander

Drug-Use Intervention Plan:

·         2012-2013: Lower the number of students who are currently using drugs in our middle and high school.  In the last Youth Risk Survey, 32% of our students say they have used marijuana in their lifetime.  I believe this number is higher, but we will work to decrease this percentage.

·         Develop an effective drug testing policy or policy that will deter students in extra-curriculars from using drugs.  To give athletes a reason and rationale to just say “No”. 

·         Begin a school-wide effort to increase awareness and lower our student drug use school-wide.  Use the Youth Risk Survey to monitor improvements.

ü  The cross the line program was introduced by Mr. Lewandowski at our opening assembly and we built momentum for this initiative.  We challenged the Freshman to take a stand and cross the line to be bold enough to break the cycle.  I feel we will make improvements this year in this area. 

Extra-Curricular Programs:

·         2012-2013: Increase participation and quality of our extra-curricular programs

ü  Numbers are consistent with last year so far. 

Mission Forward:

·         2012-2013: Assess Mission Forward Program to determine if our goals for this program are being met and if the program is viable for the numbers we are currently serving. Is the program effectively reaching students for credit retrieval, drop-out prevention, course options and regular curriculum support?  Are we bringing more students to St. Ignatius Schools like we originally had hoped?  Are students getting the support to get through high school and meeting our student needs? 

·         We need to assess this program and make adjustments or pursue other ideas to meet our original goals for giving students curricular choice and successfully getting them through school. Are we reaching the At-Risk Students we set out to serve with this program?

ü  I have presented this issue to staff and I have asked for input from teachers.  Lyle and I have talked about what the issues are here and what needs to get done to assure we are doing what needs to get done in order to keep this program essential to student success.  We will sit down for a meeting soon to discuss deeper the plan of attack for meeting this goal this year.


Common-Core Curriculum and Alignment:

·         2012-2013:  Align and write common core curriculum and standards for K-12 in English and Math.  English is up for review this year and will need to be common core aligned. Math, with the support of Rich Ferris will get caught up from last year’s review with the same alignment. 

ü  This goal has not been started at this time other than explaining to staff that it will need to be completed.  Once Rich Ferris has time he will be starting this goal. 

Writing Goal:

·         2012-2013:  We need to implement professional development that will help every teacher in every classroom have clear and consistent expectations for writing.  All classes expect students to write and we can all be encouraging proper writing goals and expectations for anything that is handed in for any teacher.  This is an effort that even at the minimal level can be increased when it comes to teachers having high expectations for students.  Review expectations and look for implementation while conducting walk-throughs.  We will develop during August PIR monthly writing objectives that every teacher will encourage and expect with writing. 

ü  We conducted professional development during the optional days for this goal and came up with monthly goals for writing across the curriculum that all teachers will implement and encourage.  We also met on August 30 and did planning for school wide focus and plan for improved writing with English Department input and guidance for this initiative.  September 6 we met and kicked off our “September Writing Tips to Remember” with staff. Posters were made and posted in each classroom with the 5 tips for this month.  


·         2012-2013: We will flush the middle and high school handbooks and totally refine the content, look and feel of the each handbook.  We will update the handbooks with latest information from a legal, content, safety, uniform and procedural standpoint and present an outstanding product for 2013-2014.  Our plan is to have a one uniform handbook for both schools with school specific information for both middle and high school. 

ü  I have contacted Kalispell for a copy of their handbooks that I will use for a guide for building ours.  I also have the legal packet provided by Bea that I will review for any procedural or additional safeguards needed to be added to the handbooks. 


     Our Mission:

Demonstrate Integrity

Achieve Excellence

Work Hard

Give Respect

Share Responsibility

             GO DAWGS!!!!