Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love and Logic

Dear Jason,

After returning from shopping, Dad discovered that his ten-year-old son, Tony, had a new music CD. It was later revealed that Tony had shoplifted.

Dad immediately took his son back to the store and met with the store's assistant manager so that Tony could confess his actions and return the merchandise. To Dad's dismay, the manager let Tony off easy.

"Ah, Tony, that's ok. You're a cute kid for confessing like that. You better watch it in the future. You could get into big trouble for shoplifting."

As you can guess, Tony learned nothing from the incident and stole two more CD's the following month.

Dad learned his lesson. Don't take a chance. Call ahead. Dad called the manager saying, "Your assistant manager let Tony off the hook last time. Please make this very uncomfortable for Tony." Dad and the manager made a plan.

The manager made Tony wait on a chair outside his office for over an hour. After that he gave Tony choices: dealing with the police or paying a fine and spending three hours holding a sign at the entrance. It was a sign that said, "SHOPLIFTING IS UNLAWFUL."

Tony chose the fine and spent his next Saturday morning standing out in the cold with his sign. In addition to the $50 fine, Tony had to pay for the CD's, which was a bitter pill for him to swallow after discovering that he didn't even like the music after hearing his CD's.

Dad Uses the Energy Drain Technique
Dad picked Tony up after his sign-holding morning with, "Wow, Tony, you look beat. We'd better get you home for some lunch."

On the way home he added, "Now that this is over, you need to know that I've spent a lot of time, energy, and worry on it. I didn't get to do some of my household jobs. Think it over tonight, and let me know which of my jobs you'd like to do to replace my energy."

Listen to Love and Logic Magic When Kids Drain Your Energy and master the art of using the "Energy Drain Technique." Repetition is the key to learning, so keep the CD in your car and listen frequently. And, it doesn't hurt if the kids hear it. The beauty of Love and Logic is that even if the kids know what you're doing, they can't do anything about it.

Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward this article to a friend.

Jim Fay

Altacare of Montana Coming To St.Ignatius Schools

I wanted to share some information about a new program coming to St.Ignatius Schools.
Program: Comprehensive School Based and Community Treatment Program, (CSCT) AltaCare

Goal: To develop, maintain, and support the student's capacity to achieve success in both the public school classroom and his/her home community.

AltaCare of Montana's School Based Treatment Program are intended to promote students positive involvement in their community, school, and home while affording youth the opportunity to receive specialized mental health services in the least restrictive treatment environment possible. Effective services of this type prevent transition of youths into more restrictive and costly treatment programs while providing a link to community, family, peer, and educational resources. Quality Comprehensive School and Community Treatment Programs reduce the risk factors while focusing on the enhancement of productive factors in the lives of youth, by partnering with local school districts.

Through collaboration and partnerships with an experienced mental health provider, parents and schools can effectively provide for the mental health needs of the students while maintaining the student in his/her home school. School Based Treatment within the existing community structure is an effective and contemporary way to address children mental concerns.

Information and Survey Results.

Our Mission
Are You Worn-Out and Stressed?

Dear Jason,

Do you ever find yourself completely exhausted and stressed with all of the problems that bombard you on a daily basis? I've recently found myself feeling crushed under the weight of the many burdens whirling around me. Why? Simply because I've forgotten how much fuel is required to run a helicopter on a daily basis.

Yes! I tend to be a helicopter parent, a helicopter boss, a helicopter spouse, etc. It's nobody's fault except mine. Deep within me is the burning desire to make sure that no one I know suffers from any sort of unhappiness, disappointment or disgust.

Listening to our audio, Helicopters, Drill Sergeants and Consultants, I was reminded that trying to rescue our kids from all of life's challenges burns us out and creates kids who don't believe that they have what it takes to be successful in life. I also realized that this very same principle applies to rescuing our spouses, friends, etc. It doesn't take long for us to run out of fuel and crash to the ground.

The single most powerful tool for combating this tendency is to memorize the following:

Oh, no. That's got to feel ___________.

What do you think you are going to do?

The next time someone else’s problem comes your way, experiment with saying these words with sincere empathy. Simply fill in the blank with whatever emotion you're guessing the person is feeling. Then give suggestions while allowing the person to own and solve his or her problem.

To make sure that your helicopter stays grounded, listen to Helicopters, Drill Sergeants and Consultants. This product is now available as an MP3 download—no waiting, no shipping fees!

Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.

Dr. Charles Fay

RezHeadZ Entertainment – National Data
 53% of students have been bullied at school
 42% have been bullied while online by their classmates
 35% have been threatened online by their classmates
 57% of have been bullied or threatened via text message, by their classmates
 53% of kids admit to having said something mean or hurtful to another person online or through a text message
St. Ignatius Data from our latest Bully Survey:
 Mission Bully Survey Results
 Last Year 41% Felt Bullied
 This year 17% Feel Bullied
 9% Females and 24% Male
 75% of our Victims do feel comfortable reporting
 Most is happening in Classrooms and Hallways
 Thanks Mrs. Hilliard for doing this survey and collecting data

Million Voice Data: Great Data- Some promising some areas that we need to look at for change. We will be looking at this data eventually for informed decision making.
St. Ignatius Middle School
All Statements and Responses by Percentages
# Survey Statements Total in Agreement
7 Belonging School is a welcoming and friendly place. 65.7%
16 Belonging I feel accepted for who I am at school. 72.7%
24 Belonging Teachers make an effort to get to know me. 59.6%
25 Belonging I have difficulty fitting in at school. 24.2%
34 Belonging Teachers care about my problems and feelings. 59.6%
43 Belonging I am proud of my school. 64.6%
52 Belonging I am a valued member of my school community. 41.4%
62 Belonging I think bullying is a problem at my school. 45.5%
8 Heroes Students respect teachers. 46.5%
15 Heroes My parents care about my education. 94.9%
17 Heroes I have a teacher who is a positive role model for me. 70.7%
26 Heroes Teachers care about me as an individual. 53.5%
35 Heroes Teachers care if I am absent from school. 50.5%
44 Heroes If I have a problem, I have a teacher with whom I can talk. 56.6%
53 Heroes Teachers respect students. 66.7%
63 Heroes Students respect each other. 36.4%
9 Sense of Accomplishment I am encouraged to practice good citizenship at school. 79.8%
18 Sense of Accomplishment Teachers recognize students who are kind and helpful. 76.8%
27 Sense of Accomplishment I have never been recognized for something positive at school. 23.2%
36 Sense of Accomplishment I give up when schoolwork is difficult. 17.2%
45 Sense of Accomplishment Teachers recognize me when I try my best. 50.5%
51 Sense of Accomplishment Teachers let my parents know what I do well. 70.7%
54 Sense of Accomplishment I put forth my best effort at school. 76.8%
64 Sense of Accomplishment Getting good grades is important to me. 85.9%
Page 17
St. Ignatius Middle School
# Survey Statements Total in Agreement
10 Fun & Excitement I enjoy being at school. 57.6%
19 Fun & Excitement Teachers enjoy working with students. 73.7%
28 Fun & Excitement Teachers make school an exciting place to learn. 49.5%
37 Fun & Excitement School is boring. 38.4%
46 Fun & Excitement I enjoy participating in my classes. 71.7%
55 Fun & Excitement Teachers have fun at school. 51.5%
65 Fun & Excitement Learning can be fun. 67.7%
11 Curiosity & Creativity I feel comfortable asking questions in class. 68.7%
20 Curiosity & Creativity My teachers present lessons in different ways. 78.8%
29 Curiosity & Creativity At school I am encouraged to be creative. 65.7%
33 Curiosity & Creativity I enjoy working on projects with other students. 78.8%
38 Curiosity & Creativity My classes help me understand what is happening in my
everyday life.47.5%
42 Curiosity & Creativity School inspires me to learn. 71.7%
47 Curiosity & Creativity I enjoy learning new things. 82.8%
56 Curiosity & Creativity I learn new things that are interesting to me at school. 78.8%
66 Curiosity & Creativity What I learn in school will benefit my future. 84.8%
12 Spirit of Adventure I like challenging assignments. 38.4%
21 Spirit of Adventure I push myself to do better academically. 75.8%
30 Spirit of Adventure Students are supportive of each other. 52.5%
39 Spirit of Adventure I am afraid to try something if I think I may fail. 22.2%
48 Spirit of Adventure Teachers help me learn from my mistakes. 70.7%
57 Spirit of Adventure I want to do my best at school. 86.9%
67 Spirit of Adventure I am excited to tell my friends when I get good grades. 53.5%
Page 18
St. Ignatius Middle School
# Survey Statements Total in Agreement
13 Leadership& Responsibility Students have a voice in decision making at school. 51.5%
22 Leadership & Responsibility I see myself as a leader. 58.6%
31 Leadership & Responsibility Other students see me as a leader. 30.3%
40 Leadership & Responsibility Teachers encourage students to make decisions. 71.7%
49 Leadership & Responsibility Teachers are willing to learn from students. 49.5%
58 Leadership & Responsibility I am a good decision maker. 65.7%
68 Leadership & Responsibility I know the goals my school is working on this year. 56.6%
14 Confidence to Take Action I believe I can be successful. 90.9%
23 Confidence to Take Action I believe I can make a difference in this world. 60.6%
32 Confidence to Take Action Teachers believe in me and expect me to be successful. 73.7%
41 Confidence to Take Action Going to college is important for my future. 82.8%
50 Confidence to Take Action I work hard to reach my goals. 85.9%
59 Confidence to Take Action I am excited about my future. 73.7%
60 Confidence to Take Action I think it is important to set high goals. 84.8%
61 Confidence to Take Action I know the kind of person I want to become. 73.7%
69 Confidence to Take Action School is preparing me well for my future. 72.7%

St. Ignatius High School
All Statements and Responses by Percentages
# Survey Statements Total in Agreement
7 Belonging School is a welcoming and friendly place. 82.2%
16 Belonging I feel accepted for who I am at school. 79.1%
24 Belonging Teachers make an effort to get to know me. 59.7% 13.2%
25 Belonging I have difficulty fitting in at school. 13.2%
34 Belonging Teachers care about my problems and feelings. 48.8%
43 Belonging I am proud of my school. 65.9%
52 Belonging I am a valued member of my school community. 51.9%
62 Belonging I think bullying is a problem at my school. 19.4%
8 Heroes Students respect teachers. 54.3%
15 Heroes My parents care about my education. 92.2%
17 Heroes I have a teacher who is a positive role model for me. 74.4%
26 Heroes Teachers care about me as an individual. 58.1%
35 Heroes Teachers care if I am absent from school. 55.8%
44 Heroes If I have a problem, I have a teacher with whom I can talk. 57.4%
53 Heroes Teachers respect students. 69.0%
63 Heroes Students respect each other. 57.4%
9 Sense of Accomplishment I am encouraged to practice good citizenship at school. 75.2%
18 Sense of Accomplishment Teachers recognize students who are kind and helpful. 78.3%
27 Sense of Accomplishment I have never been recognized for something positive at school. 20.2%
36 Sense of Accomplishment I give up when schoolwork is difficult. 20.9%
45 Sense of Accomplishment Teachers recognize me when I try my best. 62.8%
51 Sense of Accomplishment Teachers let my parents know what I do well. 45.7%
54 Sense of Accomplishment I put forth my best effort at school. 70.5%
64 Sense of Accomplishment Getting good grades is important to me. 89.9%
Page 17
St. Ignatius High School
# Survey Statements Total in Agreement
10 Fun & Excitement I enjoy being at school. 65.9%
19 Fun & Excitement Teachers enjoy working with students. 73.6%
28 Fun & Excitement Teachers make school an exciting place to learn. 46.5%
37 Fun & Excitement School is boring. 33.3%
46 Fun & Excitement I enjoy participating in my classes. 75.2%
55 Fun & Excitement Teachers have fun at school. 54.3%
65 Fun & Excitement Learning can be fun. 78.3%
11 Curiosity & Creativity I feel comfortable asking questions in class. 72.1%
20 Curiosity & Creativity My teachers present lessons in different ways. 72.9%
29 Curiosity & Creativity At school I am encouraged to be creative. 58.9%
33 Curiosity & Creativity I enjoy working on projects with other students. 76.7%
38 Curiosity & Creativity My classes help me understand what is happening in my
everyday life.48.8%
42 Curiosity & Creativity School inspires me to learn. 65.9%
47 Curiosity & Creativity I enjoy learning new things. 86.8%
56 Curiosity & Creativity I learn new things that are interesting to me at school. 71.3%
66 Curiosity & Creativity What I learn in school will benefit my future. 78.3%
12 Spirit of Adventure I like challenging assignments. 44.2%
21 Spirit of Adventure I push myself to do better academically. 78.3%
30 Spirit of Adventure Students are supportive of each other. 58.9%
39 Spirit of Adventure I am afraid to try something if I think I may fail. 28.7%
48 Spirit of Adventure Teachers help me learn from my mistakes. 62.8%
57 Spirit of Adventure I want to do my best at school. 86.8%
67 Spirit of Adventure I am excited to tell my friends when I get good grades. 51.9%

St. Ignatius High School
# Survey Statements Total in Agreement
13 Leadership& Responsibility Students have a voice in decision making at school. 52.7%
22 Leadership & Responsibility I see myself as a leader. 59.7%
31 Leadership & Responsibility Other students see me as a leader. 34.1%
40 Leadership & Responsibility Teachers encourage students to make decisions. 76.0%
49 Leadership & Responsibility Teachers are willing to learn from students. 54.3%
58 Leadership & Responsibility I am a good decision maker. 69.0%
68 Leadership & Responsibility I know the goals my school is working on this year. 45.7%
14 Confidence to Take Action I believe I can be successful. 90.7%
23 Confidence to Take Action I believe I can make a difference in this world. 56.6%
32 Confidence to Take Action Teachers believe in me and expect me to be successful. 73.6%
41 Confidence to Take Action Going to college is important for my future. 87.6%
50 Confidence to Take Action I work hard to reach my goals. 78.3%
59 Confidence to Take Action I am excited about my future. 75.2%
60 Confidence to Take Action I think it is important to set high goals. 78.3%
61 Confidence to Take Action I know the kind of person I want to become. 73.6%
69 Confidence to Take Action School is preparing me well for my future. 66.7%